Stilnovo Pop-Up store in Rinascente
Milano Design Week 2024
From 4 April to 5 May, on the sixth floor of La Rinascente (Milan) it will be possible to discover the new and exclusive Stilnovo pop-up store, where some of the brand’s best-sellers will be on display and available for purchase.
A 30-square metre environment with a strong impact aesthetic, characterised by an essential volumetry. A futuristic and minimalist aesthetic to emphasise the pioneering drive that has always distinguished the company.
It will be possible to discover the exclusive Stilnovo pop-up store,
where the following will be on display and available for purchase: Saliscendi, Minibox table lamp, Buonanotte, Minitopo, Lampiatta table/wall lamp, Valigia and Demì Moon.
The philosophy behind the pop-up consists of a series of aluminium parallelepipeds that intertwine and dialogue with each other: the volumes interpret the different furnishings stripped of any decorative elements, thus enhancing the design of the lamps.
What will be on display at Rinascente?
Design by Achille & Pier Giacomo Castiglioni
Saliscendi is an adjustable dual-emission lamp. The luminous body and the reflector disc slide silently along the cables, ensuring perfectly adjustable lighting. The two elements, moving in the opposite direction, diffuse more direct or indirect light depending on the distance between them. Designed in 1957 and produced the following year in two one-offs for the Milan Chamber of Commerce, Saliscendi is now re-engineered with dimmable LED sources.
Demí Moon
Design by Mirco Crosatto
Demí Moon when switched off is a large transparent dome. Thanks to Opti-Light™ technology, when it is switched on, the edge and the thousands of laser micro-incisions on the surface diffuse soft, even lighting. The dome is attached to a tripod support structure. A practical release system allows the dome to be swivelled.
Design by Gae Aulenti & Piero Castiglioni
The Minibox table lamp has a metal body, a comfortable grip and an irreverent luminous eye, which recalls the aesthetics of miners’ lamps.
The magnetic attachment of the head allows the light to be directed, making it suitable for any location, even the most unexpected.
Design by Giovanni Luigi Gorgoni
Buonanotte is a fun lamp that can be adjusted by rotating two metal quartets that, moved freely over the spherical diffuser, control the light beam. With a simple gesture it changes the atmosphere: open for a good read or closed and soft, the accomplice of dreams.
Design by Ettore Sottsass
Valigia is ironic and informal: the small handle and the two supporting arches in red tube are connected to the metal vault, which contains the light. Valigia is a small piece of architecture without precise boundaries, declaredly designed to be taken anywhere.
Design by Joe Colombo
Minitopo is a fascinating object of automotive inspiration: the slits on the dome are reminiscent of the air intakes of 1960s sports cars, while the shape of the lampshade corresponds to the envelope of the classic E27 bulb housed inside, like a body on the engine underneath. The resulting shape is reminiscent of a mouse, hence the ironic name. The light can be freely directed by the black handle, the pigtail, on the reflector.
Design by Jonathan De Pas, Donato D’Urbino, Paolo Lomazzi
Lampiatta is easily repositioned without the use of joints or mechanisms: the shade is designed to fit into one of the four slots in the base at will, allowing the light to be tilted and directed.
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We are waiting for you from 4 April to 5 May!
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E voi le avete notate? 🔍 Tre nostre Trepiù e tre Saliscendi sono state le protagoniste delle cucine del programma televisivo Masterchef 13! 👨🍳 👩🍳
And did you notice them? 🔍 Three of our Trepiù and three Saliscendi were the stars of the kitchens on the TV programme Masterchef 13! 👨🍳 👩🍳
#stilnovo #stilnovolamps #tablelamp #stilnovodesign #archilovers #homedecor #interiordesign #lampdesign #stilnovoriginals #masterchef #OriginalForTheOriginals
✍“Halley incarna l`eleganza dinamica e il progresso tecnologico. Il suo design essenziale, senza tempo e raffinato si adatta sia agli uffici di grandi dimensioni che agli ambienti domestici adibiti a workspace e promette di rimanere attuale negli anni a venire.”
Cornelia e Carola Sapper
✍"Halley embodies dynamic elegance and technological progress. Its essential, timeless and refined design suits both large offices and domestic workspaces and promises to remain relevant for years to come."
Cornelia and Carola Sapper
Discover Halley with the link in bio!
#stilnovo #stilnovolamps #tablelamp #stilnovodesign #archilovers #homedecor #interiordesign #lampdesign #stilnovoriginals #halley #richardsapper #OriginalForTheOriginals
✍️“Halley è tecnologicamente sofisticata, consente un movimento e un posizionamento illimitato della luce senza ingombrare lo spazio di lavoro. Queste qualità si riflettono in modo ottimale nella sua forma: leggera, dinamica e molto elegante.”
Cornelia e Carola Sapper
✍️"Halley is technologically sophisticated, allowing unlimited movement and positioning of light without cluttering up the work space. These qualities are optimally reflected in its form: light, dynamic and very elegant."
Cornelia and Carola Sapper
Discover Halley with the link in bio!
#stilnovo #stilnovolamps #tablelamp #stilnovodesign #archilovers #homedecor #interiordesign #lampdesign #stilnovoriginals #halley #richardsapper #OriginalForTheOriginals
L’iconica Halley, progettata da Richard Sapper, ritorna in una nuova versione tecnologica, a LED con dimmer di prossimità e 6 snodi che garantiscono un movimento orbitale a 360°!
È disponibile in alluminio anodizzato naturale o verniciato nero.
The iconic Halley, designed by Richard Sapper, returns in a new technological, LED version with proximity dimmer and 6 joints that guarantee 360° orbital movement!
It is available in natural anodised or black painted aluminium.
Discover Halley with the link in bio!
#stilnovo #stilnovolamps #tablelamp #stilnovodesign #archilovers #homedecor #interiordesign #lampdesign #stilnovoriginals #halley #richardsapper #OriginalForTheOriginals
Halley, da qualunque posizione, raggiunge la porzione di piano che ci interessa illuminare con sorprendete facilità. Il suo movimento 3D, unico per complessità e varietà di rotazioni, le consente di superare qualunque ostacolo… anche la più ostinata pila di libri!
Halley, from any position, reaches the portion of the floor we are interested in illuminating with surprising ease. Its 3D movement, unique in its complexity and variety of rotations, allows it to overcome any obstacle... even the most stubborn stack of books!
Discover Halley with the link in bio
#stilnovo #stilnovolamps #tablelamp #stilnovodesign #archilovers #homedecor #interiordesign #lampdesign #stilnovoriginals #halley #richardsapper #OriginalForTheOriginals
Un’icona che prende il nome di Halley, la cometa più nota del sistema solare. Perché Halley? Perché, proprio come la cometa stessa, orbita regolarmente attorno al suo peso equilibratore, che garantisce assoluta stabilità.
An icon named after Halley, the most famous comet in the solar system. Why Halley? Because, just like the comet itself, it regularly orbits its balancing weight, which guarantees absolute stability.
Discover more with the link in bio!
#stilnovo #stilnovolamps #tablelamp #stilnovodesign #archilovers #homedecor #interiordesign #lampdesign #stilnovoriginals #halley #richardsapper #OriginalForTheOriginals
La testa illuminante si sposta con una mano, come un corpo celeste; un fluido "movimento 3D" unico nel suo genere, realizzato combinando armoniosamente le varie rotazioni possibili grazie a sei snodi, ciascuno dei quali può girare a 360 gradi.
The illuminating head moves with one hand, like a celestial body; a fluid `3D movement` unique in its kind, achieved by harmoniously combining the various rotations possible thanks to six joints, each of which can rotate 360 degrees.
Discover more about Halley with the link in bio!
#stilnovo #stilnovolamps #tablelamp #stilnovodesign #archilovers #homedecor #interiordesign #lampdesign #stilnovoriginals #halley #richardsapper #OriginalForTheOriginals
Sedici chipLED altamente performanti, luce a scelta tra bianco caldo 3000K e 2700K e un design che non passa mai inosservato.
Dove ti piacerebbe veder brillare Halley?
Sixteen high-performance LED chips, a choice of 3000K or 2700K warm white light and a design that never goes unnoticed.
Where would you like to see Halley shine?
Link in bio
#stilnovo #stilnovolamps #tablelamp #stilnovodesign #archilovers #homedecor #interiordesign #lampdesign #stilnovoriginals #halley #richardsapper #OriginalForTheOriginals
Un sensore di prossimità permette di accendere, spegnere e dimmerare la luce, consentendo una regolazione facile e intuitiva. Basta avvicinare la mano fino a sfiorare il sensore per avere una luce sempre perfetta.
Scopri di più su Halley con il link in bio
A proximity sensor allows the light to be switched on, off and dimmed, enabling easy and intuitive adjustment. Simply bring your hand close to the sensor for the perfect light every time.
Find out more about Halley with the link in bio
#stilnovo #stilnovolamps #tablelamp #stilnovodesign #archilovers #homedecor #interiordesign #lampdesign #stilnovoriginals #halley #richardsapper #OriginalForTheOriginals
Ready to be overwhelmed by Stilnovo emotions? Browse our catalogue and discover all the products in the new collection!